Sunday, September 6, 2009

ProjectTwenty1 - End of Filming! (And Movie Reviews!)

If we made a movie poster, this would have to be part of it. You'll understand more when you see the short. There should hopefully be a trailer soon too.

We finished filming. When we showed up on set the last day Ian had tape wrapped around the lens of the camera. He had dropped it and knocked the lens off the camera. It still worked...amazingly.

Editing was a bit of a nightmare. Chris and I arrived around 6:30 in the evening the final night of editing. The project was barely half way edited. Chris was composing music for the project. We were there until 5:30 the next morning and only recorded one song for a flashback. Chris had work at 8AM and I was his ride home. The others were there until 10:30AM.

The project almost didn't get out in the mail. The post office closes no later than 12 on the weekends...they went around 3, not remembering when I told them this, and had to rush to a UPS/FED EX place and have it post marked before 6PM. Thankfully ProjectTwenty1 accepted our entry.

Our video will be the last to screen on the 4th of October. Screenings are going on during the 3rd and 4th and after we screen they'll announce winners and prizes. I plan to attend both screenings.

Inglorious Basterds was great. I think it's my favorite of Tarantino's films. Some people say that it's too dialogue based, but you need character development and build up. It wouldn't be getting the reviews that it is getting if they simply killed throughout the entire film. Someone commented on that they hated the film because they had to read subtitles. I wanted to dive through my computer monitor and reality slap that person in the face. Seriously? I checked, the person is American. This being said, not all Americans think this way. Anyway, seriously? Look at every other country in the word. They read subtitles without complaint. And not just for American films do they have to do that, so get over it, or learn the languages that are spoken in the film so that you don't have to read the subtitles. UHH! It bothers me so much when people give something a low rating because they have to read subtitles.

Paper Heart was amazing. It gives you a warm glow feeling when you're done watching the movie. It's funny too, and great to go see with your friends, or significant other. I loved that everyone in the film plays as themselves too.

Gamer...was horrible. We saw that the same night that we saw Paper Heart. I leaned over and whispered, "Is it bad that I wish we could go see Paper Heart again." five minutes into the movie. The only part I found amusing and worth the cost of a movie ticket was the part where they break out into song and dance...yes, that happens. I was falling asleep by the end of the movie. It was just that bad. I never fall asleep during movies. Even if I'm running on no sleep. Trust me. If you want to see this movie, you should wait and rent it...if you must see it. Really though, I wouldn't even bother renting it.

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